All materials on this website are copyright of Ashtead Group plc. All rights reserved.

While every effort is made to ensure that information contained in this website is accurate and up to date, Ashtead Group plc accepts no responsibility for any losses or damages which may be caused by the use of the information.

The share prices and financial information on this site are:

  • only provided for your general information and use, and are not intended to cater for your particular requirements.
  • not intended to be relied upon by you in making or not making any investment decisions. If in doubt please seek independent financial advice.

The price of shares and investments and the income derived from them can go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the amount they invested. Past performance cannot be relied upon as a guide to future performance.

Registered Office:

Ashtead Group plc
100 Cheapside

Registered No. 1807982 England and Wales