The following analysts provide research on Ashtead

Arnaud Lehman
Bank of America

James Rose

Marc Van'T Sant

Tom Burlton
Exane BNP Paribas

Jane Sparrow

Allen Wells

Lush Mahendrarajah
JP Morgan

Annelies Vermeulen
Morgan Stanley

Steve Woolf
Deutsche Numis

Andrew Nussey
Peel Hunt

Rob Wertheimer
Melius Research

Karl Green
RBC Capital Markets

Suhasini Varanasi
Goldman Sachs

Charlie Campbell

Will Kirkness
Bernstein SG

Neil Tyler
Redburn Atlantic

Rory Mckenzie

Adrian Kearsey
Panmure Gordon


Ashtead Group plc is followed by the banks/brokers listed above who may also publish material commenting on Ashtead Group plc from time to time.  Please note that any opinions, estimates, forecasts or predictions regarding Ashtead Group plc made by these banks/brokers are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, estimates, forecasts or predictions of Ashtead Group plc or its management.  Ashtead Group plc does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations and does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the views of these banks/brokers or any other analysts reporting on Ashtead Group plc.  Ashtead Group plc makes no representation that the above list of banks/brokers is complete.