Current credit ratings for Ashtead Group plc are set out in the table below:

Standard & Poor's  
Long termBBB-(stable outlook)
Long termBaa3(positive outlook)
Long termBBB(stable outlook)

Funding and liquidity

The Group funds its operations through a mixture of equity and debt. Debt facilities include bank and capital markets borrowings.
The Group targets leverage in the range of 1.0 to 2.0 times net debt to EBITDA (excluding IFRS 16) over the econonic cycle.
The table below summarises the main facilities available:
Available financeFacilities availableMaturity
Asset-based first priority secured bank debt$4,750m2029

Senior notes

Issue PrincipalCouponMaturityAmount in issueCoupon date*
$550m1.500%2026$550m12 February / 12 August
$600m4.375%2027$600m15 February / 15 August
$600m4.000%2028$600m1 May / 1 November
$600m4.250%2029$600m1 May / 1 November
$750m2.450%2031$750m12 February/ 12 August
$750m5.500%2032$750m11 February/ 11 August
$750m5.550%2033$750m30 May /30 November
$750m5.950%2033$750m15 April / 15 October
$850m5.800%2034$850m15 April / 15 October

* The coupon is paid by the Company to the trustee of the bond on the date show above.

As at 31 January 2025, the Group had net debt of $10,607 million.